
As I was undergoing top surgery I came to know that my bosoms, in their new found freedom, could be leading a life of their own entirely.
Their path can be seen in this comics blog – cleverly named “off my chest”.
the artist I am a genderqueer trans’man’ / FTM , therefore one should not be too surprised when the bosoms here come across as more ‘male’ than ‘female’ (whatever that may be).
The tits themselves have got a dent on top, where the nipples used to be; for they are now happily residing on my own bust.
And what about those droplets? Are they incontinent? No, ofcourse not. Remember: these breasts have been removed so they cannot help leaking a little blood from time to time. Consider it a new queer beauty mark.
I had top surgery on july 7th 2010; and I started drawing these cartoons on july 22nd 2010, while my body was still hurting and healing.

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